Monthly Day of Continuous Prayer for Marriage & Family Life

Published:April 3, 2020

Faithful to Christ’s teaching we look to the reality of the family today in all its complexity, with both its lights and shadows.  Anthropological and cultural changes in our time influence all aspects of life and call for an analytical and diversified approach.  (32)


The light of Christ enlightens every Person.  Seeing things with the eyes of Christ inspires the Church’s pastoral care for the faithful who are living together, or are only married civilly, or are divorced or remarried.  (78)


Therefore, while clearly stating the Church’s teaching, pastors are to avoid judgements that do not take into account the complexity of various situations, and they are to be attentive, by necessity, to how people experience and endure distress because of their condition.  (79)




Some thoughts:

·       Every family, whatever its composition, whatever its faith or lack of faith or even its rejection of God, is a sacred place.


·       We cannot impose our faith on others.  They have to have the freedom to make their own choices and we have to respect those.  But we can make them part of our prayer and our love.


·       Within the community of faith, especially in our Catholic tradition, the family is seen as the Domestic Church, the Church of the home.  This has serious implications for our vision of the Church in general.


·       It is in the home that Christian faith is at its best and sometimes also at its worst.  The home is a community that is rooted in love.  It is also a community that is committed to love as its way of life.  It is where each person has the best chance to be loved as she or he is; where each one can have freedom to become her or his own unique person (and this is not just about the children!); where each one can make mistakes and know that they will be forgiven and even understood.


·       But the family cannot find its way on its own.  The parish community is vital for the growth and well-being of each family.  It is from the parish community that the family can be reminded of the values we hold in following Christ.  And it is there also that each family can find support in trying to live out those values of love and generosity and faith.


This month we may want to pray for all families that they may grow in love and that they may find support from those around them.  We could ask God that the families in our Parish Community may grow in their love for his son Jesus Christ, and that we may support them in their faith journey.  We could pray that they may accept their responsibility for the handing on of the Faith and that the Church be strengthened by their faith and commitment.

Also at this difficult time with the Coronavirus Pandemic let us pray:

Lord God, we entrust to you our families and our community

And all those directly affected by Coronavirus, wherever they may be.

We pray especially for health care workers, that you may guide and protect them.

We pray that your Spirit might inspire those researching new medicines and treatments.

And in the midst of this, keep us strong in faith, hope and love. Grant us the courage and perseverance to be good neighbours.

May the words of your Son Jesus Christ in the Our Father,

be our prayer as we entrust ourselves and all of us who are affected

to your infinite power and love. 




On the 9th day of each month, our parish of Dungannon prays for  Marriage & Family Life.  This is part of a Movement of Continuous Prayer for Marriage & Family Life, as other parishes and groups take on the prayer for the other days of the month.

To make this prayer continuous, many people in our parish have committed themselves to a specific hour of prayer in such a way so that as much of the whole day and night as possible are covered. 

Everyone is invited to join in this prayer, either by taking on an hour, or by including this intention in their own prayer during that day.

If you would like to undertake an hour each month please contact the Parish Office (Tel 028 8772 6893) where a special Prayer Booklet is available to assist you with your Prayer.  The hour that you choose is at your discretion and you can make this Prayer wherever you find it most suitable.  

“The future of humanity passes by way of the family.”  (Saint John Paul II)