Parish Groups

Parish Groups


Pastoral Outreach Programme


Parishioners that are housebound, in a hospital or in a nursing home, within our Parish, can avail of a weekly Sunday visit to receive the Eucharist. Our Pastoral Outreach Ministry will ensure that those who cannot attend Mass, due to physical limitations or short/long term illness, can receive Holy Communion weekly.

Our Sunday Pastoral Outreach Ministry will not replace the First Friday visits.

If you have a family member, neighbour or friend who would appreciate a Sunday visit to receive the Eucharist – please check with them, and, if they are happy to have a visit, then register their details using the link below. You can also register to join the Parish Pastoral Outreach Team, and become involved in helping distribute the Eucharist, by using the same link:

You can also register by contacting the Parish Office on 028 8772 6893

Youth & Young Adults (16 – 35 years)

Are you a young person in our Parish or know someone who is?
Become a part of the projects and initiatives launched within our Parish for our Youth and Young Adults. There’s something for everyone to take part in and truly make a difference to Parish life (young adults outside the Parish are also very welcome to get involved). From photography to marketing, food bank collections to movie nights, view all the options available on the video above and register your interest at:


Eucharistic Adoration

“Sit for a while with Jesus” - Spend time in the presence of the Holy Eucharistic. 
Call in anytime from Wednesday to Saturday 10am – 3pm @ Aras Mhuire Oratory (Irish Street) or Monday & Friday 6.15pm-7.15pm @ St Patrick’s Church.
If you would like to join the weekly rota and commit to 1 hour, please fill in this registration of interest and we’ll be in touch.

Special Intentions Prayer Group

Friends in Prayer is a special intentions prayer group set up to engage the power of daily prayers from all parishioners, including those who are housebound or in nursing homes. The group will pray specifically for the intentions and petitions submitted to our parish.  A prayer card and prayer has been created especially for this group.  If you would like to join Friends in Prayer, please fill in this registration of interest and we’ll be in touch.

Altar Servers

Co-ordinator:  Contact the Parish Office - 028 8772 6893

Altar Society

Co-ordinator: Sr Philomena
The society launder small altar linens.  If you would like to volunteer to become a member of the altar society for your local church contact Sr Philomena or the parish office.

Apostolic Workers

Co-ordinator: Helen Currie


Baptism Team

Co-ordinators:  Deacon Andy Hegarty & Deacon Tony Hughes.     

Contact the Parish Office to arrange Baptisms.


Charismatic Prayer Group

Co-ordinators: Raymond and Roisin Glackin
The group meets every Wednesday night from 8-9pm via Zoom. They extend an invitation to all to join with them each week for some song and praise.

Church Stewards

If you would like to volunteer your service at a church steward please contact the Parish Office.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Co-ordinator: Anne McErlean


Lectors (Readers)

If you're interested in becoming a lector (reader) in any of the four churches of our parish please contac:
St Patrick's Dungannon - Alexandra McAteer
St Malachy's Edendork - Monica McGeary
St Brigid's Killyman - Barbara Morgan
Sacred Heart Clonmore - Caroline McKee


Legion of Mary

Co-ordinator: Teresa Pearson

Lourdes Pilgrimage Group / Hospitalite

The group raises funds in the Dungannon area to bring invalids to Lourdes and also to enable people to go and work and help in Lourdes during the Diocesan Annual Pilgrimage. The Hospitalite covers the neighbouring parishes of Moy, Eglish, Coalisland, Clonoe, Tullyallen, Donaghmore, Pomeroy, Beragh, Ballygawley and Aughnacloy.

Safeguarding Children Committee

Safeguarding Parish Representative: Jim McQuaid 
Contact number for any safeguarding issue: 077 8760 5892

St Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society

Co-ordinator: Martina Hamilton


St Vincent de Paul Society

Contact SVDP 24 hour helpline 073 9501 3808

Parish Finance Committee

Sean Cavanagh, Chairperson

Aidan O'Neill, Secretary

Very Rev Dean Kevin Donaghy PP VG

Enda McLernon

Larry Gollogly

Barbara Morgan

Michael Potter

Garrett Quinn

Gareth Hughes

Carmel McBrien



St Patrick's Church, Dungannon - Mark McQuaid  07923 331910 - Tony McNally 07928 831 414 - Saji K-Joy 07438193968
St Malachy's Church, Edendork - Contact the Parish Office (Temporarily) 028 8772 6893
St Brigid's Chapel, Killyman - Kathleen Hughes - 07936 437 045 & Jim McAlinden 07876758878
Sacred Heart Chapel, Clonmore - Deirdre McNally 07787 823 104 & Mary Hampsey 07712 000 930