Return to Public Mass

Published:July 3, 2020

A Covid 19 Team has been established in the parish to help prepare for and implement the return to public Mass.


Please note that there is no pressure on anyone to attend for Sunday worship as people continue to be dispensed from their Sunday obligation but we wish to reassure people that all steps are being taken to ensure that our Church is a safe place.


The dispensation from Sunday and Holy Day obligations continues.


All Masses will be broadcast via the webcam.


There will be no Holy Water in any of the fonts and no physical sign of peace during Mass.


Holy Communion will be distributed to the hand only. 


The Church Stewards will call each row up for  Holy Communion in turn – a one way system will be in place so that social distancing regulations are observed.


Lay Readers and Eucharistic Ministers will not be required for the time being.


Households/families should come together to the same Mass and sit together – this should allow for greater capacity in the Church.


People are  reminded of the importance of sanitising their hands when entering the Church.


People who are vulnerable or unwell and especially those with any symptoms that might suggest COVID 19 infection should stay at home.  The same applies to those who have been in recent contact with someone who has the virus.


Church Stewards will be available at all Masses to monitor the numbers entering the Church and to guide parishioners to available seats.  Please take guidance from them as they are there for your safety and wellbeing.


If and when the capacity is reached no one else should enter the Church.  Please be guided by our volunteer Church Stewards without whom our Church could not open and please do not be offended if you are not able to enter the Church. 


We must follow the guidelines as laid down for everyone’s safety and wellbeing.


There will be boxes for the weekly parish collection - this will be taken up by the  Church Stewards at the bottom of the main aisles when people are leaving Mass.


Further information in relation to public Masses will be available in the coming days and as we look forward to returning for public worship, we pray that the Lord may continue to bless and guide all who are part of our Parish Community.