Week of Witness

Published:November 21, 2019


A special “Week of Witness” will be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Armagh from Sun 24 – Fri 29 November. During the week, a number of events will take place to celebrate the lives of those who have given great witness to their faith in the past and those who continue to give witness today and all who will continue to give great witness in the future.

On Sun 24 Nov, Bishop Michael Router will launch the ‘week of Witness’ at the 10.30am Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral.

On Tues 26 Nov, a special lecture will be given by Jean Harrington in The Magnet Pastoral Centre, Dundalk at 7.30pm on “Martyrdom in the 21st century”. Jean is the author of “Murder in the Missions – a true story” which was published earlier this year. Admission is free on the evening. 

On Wed 27 Nov (Red Wednesday) Archbishop Martin will lead a special “Liturgy of Witness” in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh at 7.30pm. People are invited to wear something red as we remember all who have given and all who continue to give great witness to their faith. After the Liturgy, Archbishop Martin will launch a new book in The Synod Hall titled “Not might nor fear - Prayers and Reflections on the new Statue of St Oliver Plunkett” edited by Canon Benedict Fee. 

On Thurs 28 Nov, Archbishop Martin will celebrate the 10am Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral and during the Mass, special prayers will be offered for all who give witness to their faith in the world today. After the Mass, the Archbishop will join with all the young people who are to be confirmed in the Cathedral Parish this year, in leading a “Walk of Witness” within the Cathedral and as part of the walk, prayers will be offered that all of us may respond to the call to be more faithful in giving witness to the faith